Work Environment

A crucial element for the proper functioning of the company, the Work Environment has, with Surfy, a digital solution to carry out its missions in the best conditions.

Choosing Surfy as your digital reference for plans and quantitative/qualitative data is to optimise the use of premises, organise, and efficiently coordinate teams and projects.

Digitalise the building plans and operational data with a user-friendly and API interoperable digital reference.
Centralise all qualitative and quantitative data to share it according to the internal profile (teams, executives, health and safety, IT, HR, finance) and external (FM providers, suppliers, movers, etc).

Pilot the workspace using up-to-date plans, precise information, analysis layers, reporting, and measure the performance of the activity.

You are

Director of the Work Environment

As the Workplace Environment Manager, you are tasked with managing and optimising premises, coordinating services and teams, implementing FM contracts, and ensuring the reception and layout of workspaces. You guarantee the accuracy of operational data, manage security procedures, contribute to regulatory requirements, and facilitate the sharing of essential information.

Surfy assists you with the following issues

Support the implementation of Flex

Effectively facilitate the implementation of Flex Office by designing the areas concerned, measuring the allocation rate per workstation, and intuitively booking your continually updated workstation.

Analyse the allocations

The analysis of allocations is accomplished by precise access to occupancy rates, surging, the number of people per workstation, and the distribution of people according to spaces and the organisation.

Analyse the spaces

Access all data by measuring the square metres allocated to spaces by typology, custom layer, nature of spaces/floors, organisation, and cost centres, as well as by the occupancy ratio and workstation.

Creating layout scenarios

Create layout scenarios with the simple and easy creation of spaces in Surfy. Select the elements to include in your scenario while defining its perimeter: adding or removing floor(s) or building(s).

Reporting on allocation keys

Provide comprehensive and reliable reports on the organisation's allocation keys.

You are

Work Environment Assistants

Play a central role in support of the Director of the Work Environment (DET), coordinate services, manage and update building data/plans, ensure easy access to this information, and be a pillar in updating general information. It's also important to support the DET in managing fittings, receptions, mail, support security, follow up on maintenance contracts and incidents, and ensure the accuracy of plans and data to meet internal and external needs.

Surfy assists you with the following issues

Communicate about the spaces and the plans

Communicate about all the available spaces and plans, particularly regarding the building's services, its safety plans, or the welcome booklet. Surfy also allows the sharing of these data with all IoT devices, service providers, and service solutions.

Manage fixed allocations

To manage fixed workstation allocations, Surfy offers an efficient interface to assign employees, constantly find available seats, and regulate all temporary or permanent departures.

Manage the seating arrangements

To manage your seating, Surfy calculates the total number of seats in your spaces, by collaborative area or provides the seating rate per person.

Measure the carbon footprint of the spaces

To best follow the standards of the tertiary decree, Surfy calculates the carbon footprint of the furniture and the nature of the floors.

Qualifying the spaces

Qualify your workspaces with custom typologies, by organisation or cost centre.

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