The World of Facility Management

Optimise the Facility Management with an accessible digital reference, promoting better reception, efficient mail handling, maintenance, and cleanliness, for increased occupant satisfaction.

Using Surfy as a digital reference means being even more effective in carrying out FM tasks.

Develop workload plans and schedules with precise and scalable volumetric data.
Control services with dynamic plans and simply adapt the instructions.
Present results with visual reportings, including plans and charts to facilitate overall communication.

You are

Reception Host

The company's image is closely tied to the perceived quality of reception. A warm and professional welcome reinforces a positive image among visitors. It is crucial to efficiently direct them to the desired colleagues, locations, or facilities, adding to the positive experience of the company. Liaising with colleagues to inform them of visits or deliveries improves coordination and satisfaction. Responding quickly and effectively to requests is a cornerstone to ensure overall satisfaction of occupants and stakeholders, directly reflecting on the company's reputation.

Surfy assists you with the following issues

Locate the employees

To locate your employees, Surfy offers you the opportunity to easily find them in its search bar, associated lockers, and the Local Security Teams (ELS) of your organisation.

Navigate through the spaces

The employee experience is enhanced by knowing the spaces through which to navigate and which are associated with them.

Visualise your meeting rooms

Gain visibility on all your meeting rooms, their locations, capacities, and elements of the inventory.

You are


Ensure the precise and timely distribution of mail and parcels, directly to the workstations of employees, in their mail slots or individual lockers, thereby improving the perceived quality of the service. In case of address errors, take the initiative to quickly redirect shipments to the correct sites. Implement strategies to reduce delivery times, increasing the overall satisfaction of occupants and various stakeholders. Efficient and responsive mail service management contributes to a positive experience within the organisation.

Surfy assists you with the following issues

Locate the employees

To locate your employees, Surfy offers you the opportunity to easily find them in its search bar, associated lockers, and the Local Security Teams (ELS) of your organisation.

Navigate through the spaces

The employee experience is enhanced by knowing the spaces through which to navigate and which are associated with them.

You are

Cleanliness and Maintenance

Maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of spaces and equipment is vital to uphold a level of quality and hygiene that meets expectations. It's crucial to supervise external service providers, ensuring they adhere to the set standards. Regularly assessing needs allows for the adjustment of services provided and ensures efficient management of contracts and services. Activity reporting plays a crucial role by providing an overview of performance and areas requiring improvements. Prioritising the optimisation of problem-solving times and continuously improving the implementation and the perceived quality of the service are essential. Finally, smooth communication and effective information sharing are fundamental to the success of service management.

Surfy assists you with the following issues

Analyse the spaces

Access all data by measuring the square metres allocated to spaces by typology, custom layer, nature of spaces/floors, organisation, and cost centres, as well as by the occupancy ratio and workstation.

Connect IoT devices for energy optimisation

For a high standard in implementing the tertiary decree, you can monitor the temperatures, the use of light, and the humidity in all your spaces thanks to interoperable sensors.

Locate the employees

To locate your employees, Surfy offers you the opportunity to easily find them in its search bar, associated lockers, and the Local Security Teams (ELS) of your organisation.

Navigate through the spaces

The employee experience is enhanced by knowing the spaces through which to navigate and which are associated with them.

Visualise your meeting rooms

Gain visibility on all your meeting rooms, their locations, capacities, and elements of the inventory.

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